2024 Championship portal
Select MOn, Tues, Weds @ 9pm leading up to the Championship
OPTIONAL Sound Check / Routine Final Run Through
Friday, September 27, 2024 @ 6:00pm - 9:00pm
competition day
Do not sign up for a support role in the same section you are performing in.
Things to know
September 28, 2024 @ 10 am - 9pm (Specific performance section blocks will be released closer to the competition date)
Pole Pressure DC 1322 14th St NW 2nd Floor (Above Popeyes) Washington, DC 20005202.221.4831
Yes as a competitor you are can rent the studio for $35 per hour. Each additional person you bring to the studio rental is charged $17 per person per hour. Reach out to info@polepressure.com to schedule.
The minimum length of the performance is 2:30 minutes, the maximum length is 5 minutes.
Review ➡️ Pole Set Up
Two 45 mm 11ft stainless poles.
Review ➡️ Hoop Set Up:
The studio will provide a single point Lyra (performers can request a specific Lyra size and must provide that information no later than September 11, 2024).
All equipment will be cleaned with at least 70% Isopropyl Alcohol before and after each performer.
We really don’t have any clothing restrictions except for the following… No nudity, however, clothing can be removed to a minimum of a g-string and pasties. If you want to be FULLY clothed with grip leggings that is totally fine :)
Yes! Including human props. Must be approved by the studio no later than September 11, 2024.
By participating in this championship, you are giving your consent to be photographed or videoed for promotional purposes of the studio and/or future events. You will not be compensated in any way for your photographs or video. If you are not comfortable with being featured in photos, videos, and/or social media channels DO NOT sign up for this event. The studio will have other performance opportunities that will notnrequire the public use of your image.
levels & Judging Criteria
1st place winners in categories with at least 4 competitors will receive:
72 in-studio classes (1 Year Expiration Date)
Unlimited Live Stream Classes and On-Demand Library (1 Year Expiration Date)
Early Access to Sign up for In-Studio Classes each month
1st place winners in categories with less than 4 competitors will receive:
25 in-studio classes (6-Month Expiration Date)
Unlimited Live Stream Classes and On-Demand Library (6 Month Expiration Date)
Early Access to Sign up for In-Studio Classes each month