2023 Pole Pressure PSO APC Competitor Spotlight
Let’s hype our 2023 PSO Atlantic Competitors!
February 2023: Student of the Month - Courtney
Our February 2023 Student of the Month is….
October 2022: Student of the Month: Elizabeth T.
Our October 2022 Student of the Month is….
Donation to DC Abortion Fund
At Pole Pressure we believe that EVERYONE should have the RIGHT to decide what they want to do with their bodies. ….
April 2022: Student of the Month: APC Competitors
GOOD GRIP to all PSO Atlantic Competitors!
February 2022: Student of the Month: Lorena, Fit at 50
Our February 2022 Student of the Month is….
August 2021 Student of the Month: Pole Pressure Competition Team
Our August 2021 Student of the Month is….