January 2020 Student of the Month: Haley
Haley: Jan 2020 Student of the Month
When did you start your pole journey?
November 2017
Why did you decide to try pole dancing?
I have always had body issues and wanted to try pole in order to build my confidence and esteem. I am also deceivingly lazy but recognize that the body needs to do more than just lay in bed. Pole therefore seemed to be the best way to get me to be active and healthy.
What do you love most about pole dancing?
I love that there will always be something new and challenging to learn. I always set goals for myself and once I reach them, the work typically stops. With pole, when I reach one goal, it allows me to set and reach a ton of other goals.
Why do you love Pole Pressure?
There are very few places where I feel like I can truly be myself and the studio is one of those places. I love the community and the friends that I have made as they encourage me to keep pushing and to see all the ways that I have grown.